Picture of Me

Hi! I'm Janice Zhu

I'm a Software Engineering student at TorontoMU looking to use my educational background to work as an entry-level software developer.

My Tech Stack



See more at www.github.com/icejan

  • Movie Store DBMS Project

    Art Supply Store - 2024

    Java Servlet, Microservices, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), MySQL, JWTs, JSP, HTML, CSS, XML

    This application allows an art supply store to sell items to user's online. All account and cart information are stored persistently in an online database.

  • Movie Store DBMS Project

    Music Controller App - 2023/24

    React.js, Python, Django REST Framework

    This web application lets users collabortate in a room to share controls on the current music playing. The host of the room can connect to Spotify and allow other users in the room to control the music playing depending on the permissions set.

  • Movie Store DBMS Project

    Online Movie Store - 2022

    Unix Shell Scripting, Oracle Database, SQL

    This program aids a movie store owner in managing their inventory of movies online to sell or rent to customers.

  • Robot Maze Navigation Program

    Robot Maze Navigation Program - 2023

    Assembly, HCS12 Microcontroller

    This program is implemented on an eebot mobile robot to navigate through a maze and find the exit.

  • Bookstore Application

    Bookstore App - 2021

    JavaFX, Object-Oriented Programming, UML

    This application provdes a user-friendly GUI for the owner and customers in a bookstore.